April - May 2024: News letter 4 -5月のニュースレター
2024 has begun! Thank you to social media, we are getting more and more people these days!
Let's keep this number, and energy till AGG! Please come join us anytime! We aim to book pitches once a week, then twice a week as AGG gets closer.
Sakura Spring Festival 2024 / サクラ・スプリング・フェスティバル 2024
レッチェルのお誘いで、「サクラ・スプリング・フェスティバル 2024」に参加。横田米軍基地内を見学、アメリカンフードや音楽、ダンスを楽しみました!レッチェル、企画ありがとう!
Great Hanami Festival in Yokota Base! Who would have thought there were so many cherry blossom trees on the base?! Great American traditional food, great company, and weather we were also on our side! It was an absolutely beautiful day! Thank you, Rachel, for making this happen.
A guest from Vietnam Celts! / ベトナムケルツ、ダニエル来日!
Thank you, Daniel, the ACB Children’s Officer, for coming all the way from Vietnam. We have learned new drills we had never done before. Great to have you on and off the pitch!
Japan GAA International Sports Day / Japan GAA 国際スポーツデイ
Japan GAA恒例のスポーツデイ、今年も駒沢オリンピック公園で開催!総勢100名以上が参加!関東ケルツやゴアナーズ、ミライズから、沢山のプレイヤーが参加してくれました。全種目、全員が一生懸命戦いました。パック・ファダにはアイルランド大使館二等書記官・領事のブラウンドーン・オークローン氏も参加!打ち上げにも30人近くが参加!みんなの頑張りを讃えて乾杯!
We would like to thank all of you for coming out to Japan GAA International Sports Day on Saturday. We had a total of over 100 participants. Great that there were many familiar and new faces on Sports Day! Hope you enjoyed it, and happy to have all of you again on our upcoming training sessions and social events!! Special thanks to Breandán Ó Corráin, Second Secretary and Consul, Kanto Celts, Tokyo Goannas and Mirais. Our party continued off the pitch till the morning.
Upcoming event schedule / 今後のイベント日程
Friday 14th June: Training at Yashio-kita park 7-9pm
Monday 24th June: Training at Yashio-kita park 7-9pm
Wednesday 3rd July: Training at Yashio-kita park 7-9pm
Saturday-Monday 13th-15th July: Nagano Boot Camp (Shimosuwa, Nagano Prefecture)
Saturday 7th September: Invitational Tournament in Seoul
6/14(金): 練習 @八潮北公園 7-9pm
6/24(月): 練習 @八潮北公園 7-9pm
7/3(水): 練習 @八潮北公園 7-9pm
7/13(土)-15(月): 長野合宿 @長野 (下諏訪町)
9/7(土): 招待試合 @ソウル