April 2023: News letter 4月のニュースレター

Our first training was held on 31st of March. Thankfully, since the first training, we have great numbers over 20 people at every session. There was a day half of member were newbies! Great kick off of 2023!


日本の春と言えば、HANAMI! 桜満開の代々木公園で花見を堪能しました。Japan GAAを知ってほしくて配ったチラシの効果あり、代々木公園で出会った方々が品川まで練習に足を運んでくれています!ありがとう!

Hanami is a traditional event in Japan where you drink / eat and have a craic under cherry blossom. We surely did had fun with great company. One of the members handed out Japan GAA fliers to random people in the park to spread gaelic football. Few of them actually came down to training, not even once! Thanks to that!

We are delighted to be invited to one of the greatest movies “Young Plato,” which filmed in Belfast before published. The documentary is about a philosophy where you can learn how to think through difficult event at young age such as anger, violence and death for example. This is the only school that has a philosophy class, you discuss any events without teacher teaching you anything. Nothing is wrong here. This is a must-see! It will be published on 27th of May. Here is the trailer “Young Plato.”

★★★Upcoming training schedule / 今後の練習日程★★★
Friday, 21st of April @Yashio-kita park (Shinagawa) 7-9pm
4月21日(金) @八潮北公園 (品川) 7-9pm

Friday, 28st of April @Yashio-kita park (Shinagawa) 7-9pm
4月28日(金) @八潮北公園 (品川) 7-9pm

Thursday, 4th of May (Public Holiday) @Yashio-kita park (Shinagawa) 7-9pm
5月4日(木・祝) @八潮北公園 (品川) 7-9pm

Wednesday, 10th of May @Yashio-kita park (Shinagawa) 7-9pm
5月10日(水) @八潮北公園 (品川) 7-9pm

Tuesday, 16th of May @Yashio-kita park (Shinagawa) 7-9pm
5月16日(火) @八潮北公園 (品川) 7-9pm

★★★Upcoming events / 今後のイベント★★★

Saturday, 20th of May International Sports Day Japan Cup @ Komazawa Olympic Park
5月20日(土) 国際スポーツデイ ジャパンカップ@ 駒沢オリンピック公園

Saturday, 27th of May North Asian Gaelic Games (NAGGs) @Taiwan
5月27日(土) 北アジアゲーリック大会 (NAGGs) @台湾
Monday, 24th of July - Friday 28th of July World Games @Northern Ireland, Derry
7月24日(月) - 7月28日(金) 世界大会 @北アイルランド デリー

Saturday, 16th of September - Sunday, 17th of September Asian Gaelic Games @Malaysia Kuala Lumpur
9月16日(土) - 9月17日(日) アジアゲーリック大会 @マレーシア, クアラルンプール
Christmas Party in December
12月 恒例のクリスマス会

japangaa Info