August 2020

Training is back finally, will keep a close eye on the numbers here in Tokyo and keep everyone updated with any changes in the chat.

Hope you all enjoy the long weekend, in what would have seen the Olympics kicking off

Training Dates


Tuesday 21st July 7pm @ Yashio Kita Park, Shinagawa Seaside

Thursday 30th July 7pm @ Yashio Kita Park, Shinagawa Seaside

We have to follow local Government regulations and also guidelines coming from the ACB and Croke Park. The sessions will be non-contact only, equipment will be thoroughly cleaned and disinfected before and after training. Hand sanitizer will be available and temperature checks will be taken before each session. We also have to keep a registered list of attendance, please provide you mobile number as well. Please also wear a facemask when using the changing room and toilet facilities on site.


Player Focus 今月の注目選手

Miho: First up, we have Miho who has been playing with Japan GAA for many years now, 

one of the funniest and kindest members of the club!


Local Club / Hometown: Japan GAA / Tokyo

How long have you been playing GAA: 6 years

Favorite sportsperson: Rikako Ikee, Chiyonofuji  / 池江璃花子、千代の富士 

Favorite Sport/hobby outside GAA: Tag Rugby, Rugby, Basketball / タグラグビー、ラグビー、バスケ

Favorite movie: Scent of a Woman, Any Day Now, There’s Something About Mary / セントオブウーマン、チョコレートドーナツ、メリーに首ったけ

Best thing about the club or living in Japan: Meeting new friends and always fun being with all of you!! / たくさんの新しい友達が出来て、みんなといるといっつも楽しい〜♪

Eric: Everyone's favourite. The nocturnal nightmare and a bit of a legend l'm told.


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Local Club / Hometown: John Mitchel's GAC, Glenullin

How long have you been playing GAA: On and off since l was a wain 小さい頃から時々

Favorite sportsperson: A pissed off Roy Keaneロイ・キーン

Favorite Sports outside GAA: Rugby, Football, Golf, AFLラグビー、サッカー、ゴルフ、オージーフットボール

Favorite movie: Zodiac ゾディアック

Best thing about the club: A great bunch of lads, and ladies  but also how it has managed to accumulate so many reprobates...


Sports Day 2020  スポーツデイ2020

Unfortunately, we had to cancel this for this year, but we hope to have a smaller event one weekend maybe in August or September if we can find a pitch at the weekend


Will keep you posted!


Slán go fóill!  お別れ

All the best from everyone at the club to Mari, Steve and wee Éabha who left Japan on Monday and headed back to the Emerald Isle,  you will be missed by everyone, will see you all next year!


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Conor Lyne