June 2020

Happy Golden Week! ゴールデンウィーク!

Hope everyone is keeping well and managing okay with WFH. Few things this month you can get involved with until we are able to get training up and running again. If anyone needs help completing the form when applying for the 100,000 Yen government handout, drop Jodi a message as he has useful cheat sheets for English. 

Enjoy the holidays!


Fitness Challenge フィットネスチャレンジ

Thanks to Ai Lynn for all her work in organizing and scoring during the fitness challenge. 

We now have almost 40 people taking part every week and the effort put in by everyone has been brilliant, fair play. 


There have been hundreds of hours and kilometres put in already, keep up the good work. 

If you know anyone who wants to join, let Chris Owen or Ai Lynn now and we'll add them into a team.


Virtual Quiz Nights バーチャルクイズナイト

Keep an eye in the chat for the All-Asia Quiz Nights hosted by Saigon Gaels, help get the club up the leader board!
We are going to run our own club quiz on Wednesday 8th May @ 8pm.
It will be a similar format using Zoom but will be in both English and Japanese so hopefully as many people a possible will get involved. Will fire out details nearer the time.

Japan GAAも独自のクイズナイト開催!開催日:5月8日(水曜日)20時

Cooking with World Chef

As the club is limited in terms of what we can do in terms of events and staying connected,  any ideas are welcome, just let us know. 

Maya has kindly agreed to host the "International Cooking Room". Where you can share recipes, meal plans and even online cooking together. 

We have about 15 people sharing their favorite dishes!  Just contact Maya for more details and to get involved. English and Japanese are okay! 

Next virtual cooking session will be held on May 1st in the afternoon, we are making Bread! 

5月1日午後からバーチャル 「パン作り」開催予定!参加希望のメンバー、メンバーのお友達でもお気軽にMayaまでご連絡ください。日本語、英語二か国語OK!


Pieta Houseピエタハウス

Due to the Corona virus, the annual Darkness into Light walk which is now a global event, has unfortunately been cancelled. 

Great to see alot of our members supporting them with the "Run, Nominate, Donate" campaign on social media. 


As is very well put by Darkness into Light;

“Some things can be rescheduled. But those in suicidal crisis can’t. Pieta needs your support now, more than ever.”



Club Charity Partnership  慈善活動パートナーシップ

Just a thought, but perhaps from next year we could create an annual partnership with a local charity here in Tokyo.
 With the aim of raising money for an organisation here that does great work in the local communities, through different initiatives and events throughout the year. If you have any charities in mind, drop me a message.


Mental Health  心の健康

The virus is affecting the way most of us live our lives. It's important to look after your own mental health,
but also keep an eye out an check in with friends, family, colleagues, neighbors etc. If anyone needs anything just get in touch.  


For people here in Japan you can contact the Samaritans on social media and online. 

Also TELL provides a free, confidential English-language Lifeline service, plus clinical mental health services, for the international community in Japan. 



Player Focus  注目選手

Maya Wada: First up is Mrs Japan GAA herself, who does a massive amount for the club behind the scenes, 

from translations, to finances and events, and is pretty handy on the field as well!

わだまや:翻訳、経理、イベント企画などなど結構な量こなしてる・・・クラブの裏方さん フィールドでもまぁまぁ頑張ってる!

Local Club / Hometown: Japan GAA / Shimosuwa, Nagano

How long have you been playing GAA: 6 years

Favorite sportsperson: Lance Armstrong, Dick-Rick Hoyt

Favorite Sport/hobby outside GAA" Muay Thai / Cycling / Farming

Favorite movie: Trailer Park Boys

Best thing about the club or living in Japan: Friendship and food地元クラブ/出身地:Japan GAA/長野県下諏訪町GAA歴:6年好きな選手:ランスアームストロング、ディック・リック ホイト好きなスポーツ/GAA以外の趣味:ムエタイ、サイクリング、自家製野菜好きな映画:トレーラーパークボーイズクラブ、日本の生活の良いところ:友情!そして多種多様料理

Breifne Ryan: Next up, is Mr RWC 2019, carnage boy, all the way from the right side of Dublin. 

A self-proclaimed posh fella who loves stacking lads and drinking creamers with the BMs 

ブレフ ライアン: RWC 掛け金勝者 で、ずぅーっと右側のダブリン出身

Local Club / Hometown: Cuala (Two times All-Ireland Winners) / Dalkey

How long have you been playing GAA: Since l started conversing with country people

Favorite sportsperson: < insert name of bog ball player > or Luke McAllister (Has a picture of him beside his bed)

Favorite Sport outside GAA: I'm an aerosexual, so plane watching really get me going

Favorite movie: Pride and Prejudice and Moulin Rouge, honestly can't choose

Best thing about the club or living in Japan: I'd have zero mates/acquaintances otherwise



好きな選手: Luke McAllister(ベッドに彼の写真あり)


好きな映画:選べないけど・・・ Pride and Prejudice and Moulin Rouge


New Website  ホームページ新規開設

Thanks to Conor Lyne for all the great work on the new club website. 

All of the newsletters are on there as well in both English and Japanese.

Still some content to go on there, but you can check it out at

コーナーJapan GAAホームページ新規開設ありがとうございました。


Sports Day 2020  スポーツデー

Date for the diary, our annual Sports Day will be held at Komazawa Olympic Park on Saturday 23rd May. Keep it free if you can.

If you haven't paid the membership fees by then, Maya will collect that day, which will remain at 10,000 Yen for the year
If you have any concerns regarding fee, please talk to Maya. 


We have to just wait and see nearer the time if this will go ahead or not.
駒沢オリンピック公園 が開園するか現時点ではアナウンスがありませんのでわかり次第お知らせいたします。

Proposed NAGGs Date  北アジア大会日程

This is obviously totally dependent on how things are later in the year with the virus, but a potential date of the 

weekend of September 11th to 13th has been mentioned, just a heads up.


Hope everyone stays safe and healthy, looks like the state of emergency is going to be extended. 

Try and ensure everyone adheres to social distancing and whatever else in accordance with the Tokyo Government.

Look after yourselves and enjoy the holidays


Conor Lyne