September 2021

Goodbye Summer…

Short one again this month, but with the State of Emergency rumoured to be lifting soon, we hope to hold more sessions and events over the next couple of months



Dates for the Diary

Saturday 9th October 3pm - 5pm @ Azabu Elementary School

Friday 15th October 7pm - 9pm @ Yashio Kita Park

Saturday 23rd October, Minor Sports Event, Akihabara, Time TBC

10月9日 (土) 3pm - 5p @ 麻布小学校

10月15日(金) 7pm -9pm @ 八潮北公園

10月23日 (土) マイナースポーツイベント@秋葉原 


Parish Cup

Sunday 31st October 3pm - 5pm @ Yashio Kita Park

With the SoE ending finally, would be good to see a bog crowd down for a railway cup style competition at the end of the month, will be cans afterwards

10月31日(日) 3pn - 5pm @八潮北公園


New Members

Good to see new faces still coming down to training, welcome to the club Nick, Gerry, Shin, Anna and Michi. Sorry if l missed anyone

新メンバーがクラブに来てくれました!Nick、Gerry、Annaそして Michi、クラブへようこそ!書いていない人がいたらすみません…

TELL Charity Run

Thanks to everyone who made it down to the Palace run last Saturday, just a reminder you can do the challenge until October 10th and donate online via the TELL website, please try to support the great work done by this local charity.



Player Focus

First up is one of our brilliant local Tokyo footballers, Keiko Mishima, who has been with the club for seven years now!




Local Club / Hometown: Japan GAA / Tokyo

How long have you been playing GAA: 7 Years

Favourite sportsperson: Rui Machida, Kazuyoshi Miura, Ichiro

Favorite Sport/hobby outside GAA: Basketball, Walking, Rugby and Tag Rugby

Favorite movie: Back To The Future

Best thing about the club or living in Japan: Opportunity to meet new people

名前: 三島 桂子

出身クラブ: Japan GAA / Tokyo

GAA歴: 7年

尊敬するアスリート: Rui Machida (Olympic 2020 女子バスケ日本代表)、三浦知良、イチロー

趣味: バスケットボール、ウォーキングタグラグビー、ラグビー

好きな映画: バックトゥーザ・フューチャー

クラブまたは日本の一番良い所: 出会い

Next up is the big man from Dublin, Kilian O’Sullivan, all round sound lad, except for the fact he plays with the Goannas and not the Wolfhounds…

お次はダブリン出身でビッグガイのKilian O’Sullivan。完璧な男。(オーストラリアンフットボールのゴアナーズに所属して、GAAのウルフハウンズの練習には参加しないことを除いて..)

Local Club / Hometown: Ballinteer St. John’s Dublin

How long have you been playing GAA: 12 years

Favourite sportsperson: Nick Cummins

Favorite Sport/hobby outside GAA: Snowboarding

Favorite movie/TV Show: The Sopranos

Best thing about the club or living in Japan: Following Colin on Strava

出身: Ballinteer St. John’s Dublin

GAA歴: 12 年

尊敬するアスリート: Nick Cummins

趣味: スノーボード

好きな映画・テレビ番組: The Sopranos

クラブの好きなところ: コリンのストラバをチェックすること

Wolfhounds AFL Team

Still looking for new members, if anyone would like to join or try out, training on every weekend, just fire Graham a message cheers. Thanks to Kaito for all his hard work so far this year in helping to set up the club, best of luck with the move to Poland, see you next year


Lastly a big thanks to our sponsors below …


japangaa Info